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Forum » Spieleecke » Call of Duty » Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Suchen

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Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

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Posts: 36
# 03.07.2009 - 18:56:47

So jungs seit mai ist nen trailer zum neuen Cod da!!

Hier mal nen kleiner einblick:

Hier drücken

euer H3aV

Zuletzt modifiziert von H3avingK1lla am 03.07.2009 - 19:00:49


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Posts: 81
# 28.07.2009 - 17:17:18


[color=#008000][size=15]Kaufen bis der Zwegat kommt!![/size][/color]

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Posts: 8
# 03.11.2009 - 17:56:18

Joa es soll am 10.11.2009 im Handel erhältlich sein und EA hat die Preise ein wenig angezogen... 59.99? soll der Spass kosten... Da mir der Spass nicht soviel Wert ist, habe ich mir zum 09.11.2009 beim Händler meines Vertrauns die UK Version vorbestellt die doch ganze 20? billiger ist!

Vielleicht kommt ihr ja auch irgendwie an die UK Version ran falls ihr sparen wollt ;-)

Ed Hunter
Staff Sergeant

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Posts: 130
# 03.11.2009 - 18:48:28

dieses spiel werde ick mir auf keinen fall holen, da es mir zuviele einschränkungen hat armata_PDT_33
Dies wird der erste COD-Teil sein den ihr gerne ohne mich zoggn könnt!!!!

Seit wann is mw2 von EA ? wenns wirklich so is, isses eh n scheiß spiel (fuck EA!) ;)


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Posts: 8
# 03.11.2009 - 18:58:27

EA hat Activision gekauft.... ;-) hab ich gestern auch nur nebenbei erfahren...

Die Macher sind zwa noch die selben und es läuft weiterhin unter Activision, aber Sie unterliegen mittlerweile EA....


Zuletzt modifiziert von MaCCe am 03.11.2009 - 23:08:37

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Posts: 30
# 04.11.2009 - 15:29:41

Wie lächerlich ist das denn. Hab mich mal in diversen Foren rumgetrieben und bin zu dem Entschluss gekommen das ich mir das Spiel nicht kaufen werde. Die da oben wissen schon wie man ein Geiles Spiel an die Wand fährt (bestimmt ein EA Einfall).
Beispiele für Beschränkung:

ohne dedicated Server
Matchmaking-Applikation namens IWNet
keine Customs
keine Mods

Das Spielerlebnis ist uns einfach wichtiger als die Modder und Tuner
([color=#FFFF00]und alle anderen Online Spieler[/color]).
Ed Hunter
Staff Sergeant

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Posts: 130
# 04.11.2009 - 15:45:49

genau so siehts diesmal aus
Hier nochmal ein Bericht über die negativen Eigenschaften des Spiels
FourZeroTwo (IW's Community Manager) recently posted a reponse in regards to the recent concerns the PC community have been facing with changes in Modern Warfare 2.

Questions, assumptions, and speculation I intend to dispel.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is actually the biggest investment Infinity Ward has ever made into the PC version of our games. It?s also the most feature-rich PC version we?ve ever made. IWNET takes the benefits of dedicated servers and allows them to be utilized and accessed by every player, out of the box, while removing the barrier to entry for players unaware of how to maintain a server on their own.

How does it do this?

Matchmaking & Smoother Gameplay: When you want to player a multiplayer game on PC, in the past. You?d have to scroll through a Server Browser which listed every available server which was hosted by individual server admins. Each had their own private rules, mods, or ways of playing the game. Most players would also use the server browser to find just the best quality game (based on PING). With IWNET matchmaking, it takes all that into account for you. All you have to do is select the playlist (pre-set gametypes with custom rules) that fits the style of play you are in the mood for. When you do, it will automatically find you a game with the best performance, ping, and preferences based on your location and individual connection as well as matching you with players of your same SKILL. So you?re always guaranteed the best game performance for where you are and what connection you?re playing on as well as an equal game with other players of your same skill level, not rank, but skill level. It doesn?t mean you?ll just be thrown into a random game! It will put you in the game that will give you the smoothest gameplay possible without you having to manually find a server with the best ping.

Playlists and Private Matches: As I described above, Playlists are pre-set game modes and gametypes for public games. If you just want to jump into a public game of Search and Destroy or Hardcore Search and Destroy and you don?t care about fully customizing it, then you can utilize playlists to do that quickly for you. However, say you?re in a clan and you want to play a Clan match with another team, or you want to practice for an upcoming tournament that has specific rules in a private game. Then you can start a Private Match (which is essentially like running your own private server) where you have complete control over the rules, who can join, boot players you don?t want, and essentially control the entire game or tweak it to your liking. Once the rules are set, you can invite the other team in or just start it up with your clan to practice with the custom rules before the match. This now allows you to play custom games out of the box without the need to install mods, find a modded server with the rules you like, or worry about not being in control of the match.

Party System and Friendslist: Modern Warfare 2 on PC also makes it much easier if you want to party up with your friends, or again, with your clan for a match. You can utilize the friendslist to see when your friends are online, and invite them to your Party. A Party allows you to move from game to game as a group. It?s great for clan matches, because you can party of with your clan and move from public game to public game together. Or if you?re doing a scrim, party up and invite the other clan (who is in a party) and they?ll all join at once. Set up a private match together and play. It makes setting up scrims or games with friends easier and hassle free.

Cheat / Hack Free Games: The biggest benefit of using IWnet by far is the fact that you don?t have to worry about joining a server full of aim-bots, wallhacks, or cheaters. Or relying on the server admin of the server to constantly be monitoring, banning, and policing it. Modern Warfare 2 on PC allows us to control the quality of the game much more than ever before as well as utilizing the VAC (Valve-Anti-Cheat) system to keep games clean of hackers and cheaters.

All in all, IWNET adds a load of new features that the PC version of our games have never had before and allows us an infrastructure to continue to update and improve on the game post-launch.

Your thoughts?

News Source: FourZeroTwo


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Posts: 30
# 09.11.2009 - 16:23:23


STEAM ---> Brauch kein Mensch. Das Argument "Schutz gegen Raubkopierer" ist nichtig, da es zu jedem Steam-Spiel auch Steamless-Versionen gibt

Keine Dedicated-Server ---> Ohne Worte

[color=#FF0000]9vs9 maximale Multiplayer Matches[/color] ---> Hier fehlen einen noch mehr die Worte. Was hat man sich denn dabei gedacht?

fehlende Lehnenfunktion

Unverschämt hoher Preis
Ed Hunter
Staff Sergeant

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Posts: 130
# 09.11.2009 - 17:01:29

Wer es jetzt schon geschafft hat mit dem Spielen zu beginnen darf sich freuen...
Einen Tag vor dem Releasedate werden alle Level der Spieler zurückgesetzt um Vorteile gegenüber Spieler, die sich das Spiel erst am Releasetag holen, aus dem Weg zu räumen!!!!

FourZeroTwo has confirmed that all current Modern Warfare 2 leaderboards will be reset by Infinity Ward a day before the official release. This is most likely due to the recent media frenzy of pirated games being streamed online and the unfair advantage they would have over legit users.

It definitely looks like a full leaderboard / level reset is in order just before the release date to ensure no unfair advantages.

Source: Twitter Status

Ed Hunter
Staff Sergeant

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Posts: 130
# 15.11.2009 - 00:49:29

Trotz unserer vielen Posts über die Nachteile von MW2 habe ich es mir trotzdem zugelegt.

Als erstes kann man sagen, dass das Spiel an sich wirklich sehr gelungen ist. Aber man spielt immer auf Servern vojn IWnet. Diese Server krachen jedoch manchmal zusammen was manchmal sehr nervig sein kann.

Ich hab mich belesen wie man mit seinen Leuten zusammen spielen kann. Man lädt die Leute via Steam ein und connectet geschlossen als Gruppe auf einen Server oder startet ein privates Match, welches allerdings unranked ist.

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